Resources for EMS:
- EMS Resuscitation Academy: The EMS report cards for VF witnessed cardiac arrest survival are in; and the results revealed marked survival depending on the community. Survival from bystander witnessed VF ranges from 10% to upwards of 60%. Why is this? What can your community do to improve? The Resuscitation Academy is designed to help EMS managers and directors improve cardiac arrest survival in their communities. Join the leaders from Seattle and King County for a course that will transform the way you think about how EMS manages cardiac arrests.
- EMS Online: Continuing education resource from Seattle/King County EMS that offers online, interactive courses and content for emergency medical service professionals
- Wake County EMS: Nationally recognized for its cardiac arrest save rate, Wake County (N.C.) Office of EMS is a pioneer in induced hypothermia by EMS protocol
What is the Role of Community Leaders in Improving SCA Response?
It should be no surprise that any community SCA response effort needs visionary leaders committed to system improvement. Any efforts should start by gaining buy-in and enthusiasm from top community leaders.
Leaders fulfill the following functions:
- Motivate and educate other key leaders
- Set strategic goals for activities to be undertaken
- Align efforts within the organization to achieve those goals
- Provide resources for the creation, spread, and sustainability of effective systems
- Remove obstacles to improvements for clinicians and staff
- Require adherence to known practices that will promote patient safety
To improve SCA survival rates within a community,
the three levels of response – bystander, prehospital and hospital –
must be connected and coordinated.